Chris Halliwell

Chris Halliwell

Friday, March 16, 2012

Charmed: Changes part 2

is takes place right after the Charmed episode Spin city. Where Chris became a spider demon and Leo found out who Chris really was.
Warnings: Spanking of a young adult. don't like it don't read it. If you read it anyway don't complain.
* this story is in Chris's point of view.
Changes part two: the consequences of lying
"Why!" I demanded in outrage.
I can't believe what I just heard my father say.
He thought I needed a spanking for my actions.
First of all I most defiantly do not need a spanking!
Second he was an elder. He was suppose to be a pacifist.
And thirdly damn him I don't want a spanking.
He had orbed us over to the manor where he was forcing me to move in.
He had ordered me to apologize to mom, aunt Phoebe and aunt Paige.
Which I would have done on my own had he given me time.
Then he had taken my orbing ability away as punishment for lying about my age.
Or so I had thought.
Then he proceeded to show me to a room that he said was now mine and then he shut the door and locked it.
" What are you doing Leo." I asked angrily.
" Uh uh. No Chris children don't get to call their parents by their names. I'm dad to you from now on." dad stated.
" I told you your not much of a father In my time. Just because we share the same blood doesn't make you my father. A father is there for you when you need him. And I'm not a child" I said agitated that he has ignored my question to scold me like a child.
Dad glared at me. " Actually Chris you are a child. Your 16 years old and I don't mind telling you that that pisses me off. You lied about being an adult. Let me ask you something. How do we punish you in the future?" dad asked.
I glared right back at him and said " I don't get punished in the future because I am a good person. Unlike Wyatt who killed our." I stopped myself.
I had almost just admitted to the past Leo that Wyatt had killed mom.
Leo took a seat beside me on the bed. " Tell me what you were going to say. You don't get to start something like that and not finish it." Leo stated.
A tear rolled down my face and I ignored Leo who's hand had wondered to my back to rub it.
"Mom" I whispered hoping he wouldn't be able to understand me.
It wasn't just my dad that hated me in the future. It was my mom too. Only my mom hated me enough to abandon me. She had jumped in front of the energy ball that Wyatt had thrown at me. It had killed her and Wyatt had run off.
My mother hated me so much that she had jumped in front of me just to get away from me.
At that thought I was overcome with emotions. I believed it sometimes and other times I didn't. Right now was one of those times where I was willing to torture myself with that thought.
More tears fell from my face and Leo pulled me into his lap as if I was a child.
He wrapped his arms around me and let me know that he had heard me by saying
" Oh god. Chris why didn't you tell us that. I had heard from her that she dies in your time. But Wyatt is going to kill her? Tell me how it happened. Please. You'll feel better if you talk about it." Leo said and held tight to me as I struggled in his arms trying to get away.
" Stop it." Leo commanded.
I don't know why but I obeyed him. I told him of how Wyatt had decided I was a threat and had come back to the manor to kill me. And that mom has jumped in front of me in time to save my life and end hers. I told him that I thought she hated me because of how eager she had been to jump in front of me. And that I thought she couldn't live another day with me.
Leo lifted me up enough to Swat my bottom solidly.
I yelped at the sting and the shock.
" Don't you ever say that again. Your mother loves you. And all this proves it that we would rather die than spent one day without you. Your mother knew what she was doing and I would have done the same thing. And Paige and Phoebe would have too.
You know why? Because we love you Chris. Your part of the family. You'll understand one day when you have your own children." Leo said.
I glared at him. Hello teen over here throwing a pity party your suppose to agree with me not tell me the truth. Gees didn't he know anything? I wandered as he finally let me wiggle free and stand up.
Before I could do anything his hands went to my jeans. To the buttons.
Had my fly come undone? I wandered and then I felt him undo the button on my jeans.
What the hell was he doing?
"What the hell are you doing?" I demanded.
" Watch your mouth Christopher or I'll wash it out with soap." Leo threatened me.
" Your getting a spanking for all the lies you've told while you've been here." Leo informed me. As he quickly proved that he was stronger then me as I tried to run.
He grabbed me around the waist before I could get far and then I thought of something.
Mom. Mom didn't believe in spanking a child.
I thought of calling for her but before I could dad had shoved me over his knees and his hand went to my back to hold me down.
" Why?" I demanded.
" Because you have done nothing but lie to us since you got here and I wont tolerate that Chris. I knew from the beginning that there were things you were hiding.
But I never would have thought you would hide the fact the you're my son. Or hide that fact that your 16 years old." Leo lectured me.
And then it began.
And it was one hell of a spanking.
"Dad stop. Please. That hurts!" I begged him. My butt stung so bad it felt like I had been attacked by bees.
" It's suppose to hurt Chris. It's a punishment." Dad responded as he continued to smack my bare butt with his hard hand.
I began to cry then. I couldn't help it. He was really blistering my butt.
"I'm sorry." I cried out before I completely lost control of myself and just cried over his lap as he continued to spank me.
The last Ten were applied viciously to my sit spots. And by then I was screaming and crying so hard I couldn't form the words to tell him that I hated him.
I had expected a spanking but not until I went back to the future where Dad was probably worried sick about me.
But then dad replaced my clothes and then flipped me over to sit on his lap and I winced as my sore bottom touched his jeans.
He pulled me into his arms and held me.
" Leave me alone." I whined at him. Not wanting him to touch me at all.
"NO." He responded and held me close.
" Christopher Perry Halliwell you deserved that spanking and you know you did." He scolded me.
I sighed because I knew that he was right. But hey I wasn't about to admit that to him.
He rubbed my back and planted a kiss on my head as he continued to hold me close to him.
"I'm sorry for what I did to you after you sent me to Valhalla. I would never have done it if I'd known you were my son. And I really ought to spank you for killing that girl.
She was an innocent and you killed her just so you could get her necklace and send me your father to Valhalla. But I've decided that your butt couldn't take anymore so instead your grounded. No more orbing for a week. You want to orb somewhere you have to go there with me. And when you get your orbing back you will tell me if your orbing somewhere. Things are going to be different for the rest of the time that you're here Chris. And you will follow the rules or I will spank you again. And if I catch you in another lie I will take a spoon to your bare backside do I make myself perfectly clear?" Dad asked me sternly.
Dang! he was going to get all future dad parental on me. But there was no way he could catch me in another lie. There were things I would have to lie about. Because there are things about the future that I still have to hide. Including a secret that would get me a fried butt. With any luck though they would never find out about that.
Then again I haven't had much luck lately.
Oh man. I'm toast and my butt is so gonna fry when dad finds out.

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