Chris Halliwell

Chris Halliwell

Friday, March 16, 2012

Charmed : The price of saving the world. Part 3

Chapter three : The biggest surprise of them all.
I was about to call for Travis when he suddenly orbed into my room. I was able to free myself and I grabbed the book Travis then orbed me to the Halliwell Manner. He also put a force field around it to protect me for the moment.
The first thing I did was go to the attic and look through the book. I found nothing. I shut the book and then it opened on its own and flipped to a page. I briefly wondered what had happened. Then looked at the page. It said answers to love spell. What did that have to do with anything. But just like any idiot I said the spell aloud. "My love is strong. My spirit weak. It is an answer that I seek. A question burn within this fire. So I may hear my hearts desire." suddenly blue lights surrounded me and I appeared in the attic between and old woman and a child. And then I spotted my mother. Looking shocked at the sight of us. I realized then that I had just traveled back in time. And apparently it was before my mothers destiny as a charmed one changed. Was my father the source yet? I wondered. I got my answer because Piper Paige and Cole came in.
"O dear." My mother said as she looked at us.
"PHOEBE!" Piper gripped at her.
"Phoebe? My names Phoebe too." The child said. Oh my. That was my mother as a child.
I looked at the old woman who looked at me saying "You weren't here before. There was only my past self my present self and my future self. Who are you?" The older version of my mother asked.
I thought I was gonna die on the spot as I looked at my father. I could sense it. It was inside him already. I looked up at the ceiling towards gram and said "Thanks a lot grams. That didn't do me any good at all!" I yelled hoping she would hear me.
"Grams?" Phoebe asked.
I looked at her shyly. "Yeah. Hi...Mom." I stated then looked at dad and said "Daddy." I then saw my mothers younger self head for the window as my mom and dad and aunts tried to get over the shock of what I had just told them. I went after my mother and pulled her away from the window.
"You don't want to do that. If I'm not aloud to kill myself then your not aloud to either." I said as I set her down. She then looked around and yelled "Grams!" and ran downstairs.
"I better go stop her before little Phoebe runs in to 2002." Piper said.
"2002 holly..." I snapped my mouth shut as my mother looked at me waiting to see what curse I would have uttered. The older Phoebe looked at my father and then at me. Confused. She was now very leery and didn't know what to think. She then said "I'm staying out of the path of history." Then hobbled out of the attic.
My mom heard her younger self singing and looked at me "I'll be questioning you later." She said calm but yet suspicious and then she went down stairs. Aunt Page went down as well. My father looked at me. I couldn't resist asking "I from a future where the time line was changed. The balance of good and evil no longer exists. I need to know now...Is there a way to save you?" I asked wondering if maybe I could change the past and stop the future from happening altogether. Of course that might me that I didn't exist anymore. If I couldn't save him I was the only one powerful enough to stop him. If I had no other choice.
"You know. Of course you know. Your from the future. My daughter from the future." He said.
"No. my father is not the source. My father is the part of you that is Cole turner. I was conceived in love. Not evil. But I need to know. Can I save you?" I asked again.
"I don't think so. I wish there was a way." He said.
"If there's a way...I'll find it. I'll do whatever it takes to save you. In fact I already have an idea." I said as I went towards the door. A second later he flamed in front of me and asked "What are you doing?" He asked.
"Don't worry I won't tell mom. She said she would want to talk to me later." I said and pushed past him down the stairs he still followed me. By now child mom was on the couch and then she saw dad and said "Who's he?" It was obvious she had a crush.
"this is Cole. He's my fiance'" Phoebe said to her.
"You mean he's our price?" She asked excited as Piper laughed.
"Oh my god." I couldn't stop myself from muttering. "Get a room already."
then I felt something strange inside of me. It was like I was being sucked away.
I dropped to my knees resisting and not I but everyone else heard my future mother voice chanting.
"NO!" I screamed as I resisted. I then called the book of shadows from my time by saying a spell
"Magic forces black and white reaching out through space and time. In this night and in this hour I call upon the ancient power. Let the book come to this place...Claim refuge in its rightful space!" I shouted and the book from my time appeared in front of me. The chanting continued. I hurriedly flipped through the book and found what I was looking for. I looked at my mother and said "Forgive me." the I said the spell "Powers of emotions tide. A mothers heart is where it hides. Help her though her agony. Bless her with her memory. Open Phoebe's heart to reveal that part which only I feel. Sent it back from wence it came. But don't protect her from the pain." I said as a tear slipped down my face because now my mother would get her memory back and would have to deal with all the pain and betrayal and all the things she had done as Cole's queen. The chanting of course stopped. I closed the book. Well that was one problem solved. I took the book into another room and sat it on the table. And then sat on a chair. And was a little annoyed when everyone followed me except for child Phoebe.
My mother looked at me and said "Okay now I really want to know what's going on. Because I am about to freak out here." she said.
But I wasn't paying attention to her anymore as the idea came to me. It would be so easy. And it was the only way to save him. But that meant that...
I looked at him and said "I know what to do. A trade. Me for you." I said as if that explained everything. Then I did it. The last thing I ever wanted to do. I gave in to my evil side and took what was rightfully mine from my father. The source's magic was more mine then his. At least in this time. Because I was his child. Part of the source was inside me. But also part of Cole was there too.
"What are you talking about?" My mother asked getting even more nervous if that was possible.
I came up with a spell in my head. I was pretty impressed that I came up with it so fast. I was even more happy when it worked. "Rolled the bones. Me for you. I sacrifice everything. And now I'm through. I switch our destiny to embrace you. I lay down my soul. To save you. I trade myself. For you." I said and then black spec's left my father as the soul that was Piper left my soul. Piper's soul looked at me "NO! What are you doing. You can't! you'll die!" She yelled and then she evaporated.
The black spec's went into me and the force of it shoved me across the room.
I heard my mother scream "Oh my god. Cole! Please tell me I didn't just see the source of all evil go into our child!"
my father looked much healthier now and stood up looking at me with hurt in his eyes. Not because he was mortal again. But because I was now the source. And I knew as well as all of them that the source of all evil can't be saved. It can only be stopped. Perhaps my parents would marry and I would still be born but this time good. The way I was meant to be. Me become the source saved my mother and it aved my father and also the charmed ones which meant that the future was now saved all by that simple act. But the price for saving the future would most likely be my life. I considered it a risk worth taking to save the future of magic. Besides I had another plan too. I was gonna see if the Hallow could take the source's magic into its box. I knew it was able to absorb power. Perhaps with a little luck it would be able to take the power of the source as well. And if that didn't work I would either infect a different demon with the source's power. Or I would let myself be vanquished by my family. More then likely I would keep the power. That way there was no risk that another demon could take them. I would not hurt them. And that way it would be over and done with.
I gotta admit it's becoming the source and freeing my father was the dumbest thing I ever did.
But it was also the greatest thing I ever did. The only true good that I would ever do.
What happened next? Well you'll just have to wait and find out.
To be continued.

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