Chris Halliwell

Chris Halliwell

Friday, March 16, 2012

Charmed: Changes part 3

Changes Part 3: Caught in the act.
Chris was in the attic flipping through the pages of the book of shadows looking for the page dedicated to the Mantacor demons. He was looking because he wanted to make the vanquishing potion. He had decided to go after the baby that Wyatt had made friends with. But he wasn't doing it because of Wyatt. He was doing it because Danny the Manticor would grow up and although he was a good kid. After his father had been killed he had turned to evil. And Chris's sister had fallen in love with him before that had happened.
His sister Prue was in hiding because she was even more powerful then Wyatt. And therefor she had to be hidden from him. Prue had made a vanquishing potion in case Chris wasn't able to save Wyatt in the past. His other sister Malinda was probably still wasting her breath trying to talk Prue out of using it.
They wanted to save their brother. But Prue was doubtful and truly thought that it was too late to save Wyatt. But she had promised to give Chris a chance to prove her wrong and so here he was in the past.
Wyatt was 19 in his time.
Chris himself was 17
Malinda was 16
and Prue was 15
Wyatt was all powerful. But Prue was even more so. She was invincible and had more then one extra power. When she was a child she had been possessed by the source of all evil. The charmed ones had stripped her powers which caused the source to leave her body long enough for Piper to pull her daughter away and set up the crystal cage around the black specs and then they had said the source vanquishing spell which had destroyed the source.
Chris wanted to vanquish Danny in this time because if there was anyone who could possibly turn Prue to evil it was that demon she loved. Chris could not let that happen. He would try his best to save Wyatt. But if he couldn't then Prue could vanquish him. If Prue was turned there was no hope in stopping her. Luckily Prue was a good person and so she was on the side of good. Her only temptation was the demon she loved. We'll if he could vanquish the baby then there would be no chance for Wyatt to turn Prue. It was sad but his baby sister Prue was the only thing keeping them all alive in the future.
He finally found the page in the book and took out a small note pad to write down the things needed for the vanquishing potion. He went down to the kitchen where he could sense that no one was home.
He began making the mixing spices and herbs that were needed.
Once he was done he put the potion in a vile and cleaned up his mess so that no one would know what he had made.
Chris then went over to the table and began to scry for the baby with the pacifier he had used while he was there. The crystal landed on the map and Chris wrote down the address. Now he just needed to come up with an excuse to baby sit Wyatt so that Wyatt could orb him to his little friend. And then he could vanquish the baby. And erase the father's memory to take the pain of losing his baby away.
He sensed his aunt Paige up stairs along with Wyatt.
Perfect. Chris thought and then went up the stairs.
"Hey Aunt Paige. What's wrong?" Chris asked.
"Chris. Hey could you watch Wyatt for me? Just for about two hours? I need to look in the book of shadows and he's really being fussy." Paige said.
"Sure. Give him here." Chris said reaching out for Wyatt as Paige handed him over.
"Thanks Chris." Paige said and then orbed up to the attic where she saw the book open to the manticor page and was immediately suspicious.
Chris held Wyatt in his arms and said in a real exited tone like he had seen their mother doing "Hey you wanna go see Danny?"
Wyatt nodded his head.
"Well lets go see him then. Can you take us to him?" Chris said in the same tone and Wyatt did indeed orb them to his friend.
Derek was a little surprised to see them.
"Oh. hi. I didn't know Wyatt was coming over to play." Derek said.
Chris put Wyatt on the floor.
"I'm sorry." Chris said and used his telekinetic power to fling the man into another room and shut the door after seeing him slam into a wall and onto the floor.
He took the potion from his pocket and saw Wyatt by the baby. He knew the potion wouldn't hurt Wyatt and so he threw the potion at the baby as Derek jerked the door open and saw the potion flying at his son.
Wyatt's protective blue shield immediately surrounded him and his friend which caused the potion to clatter to the floor. While Wyatt gave Chris a lot of hurt betrayal and even though he was only a baby Chris knew that he did indeed feel betrayed.
Derek starred in wonder and gratitude at Wyatt who was protecting his son.
Chris became annoyed and once again flung Derek across the room but this time when he stood up he came no closer. Now that he knew Wyatt wouldn't let harm come to his son.
Chris knew he had to get Wyatt's shield down. But how?
"Wyatt daddy's calling for you. Don't you hear him?" Chris asked knowing that Wyatt would lower his shield to listen for his father. And he did just that.
Once the shield was down Chris used his power to lift Wyatt and held him suspended in the air.
He had the potion back in his hands and threw it again at the baby at which point the charmed ones and Leo orbed in wanting to ask Derek a question and saw what was going on.
"Hey!" Piper yelled and froze the potion in mid air.
And then Chris had a moment of insanity where he flung Piper back against Phoebe and used his power to shove the potion the rest of the way to the baby. Then it orbed away a second before making contact at which point Chris heard Wyatt squeal at him in outrage.
okay obviously Wyatt wasn't going to let him vanquish his demon friend. Chris briefly wondered where Wyatt might have orbed the potion to. At which point Chris gave up. "Fine you win. I won't vanquish him! Happy!" Chris yelled at Wyatt then placed him back on the floor where he went right over to his friend and sat beside him.
Derek came over closer to his son and looked curiously at Chris "Why were you trying to vanquish him in the first place?" Derek asked.
Chris kept quiet. He didn't have to answer to him. Derek's death was the reason his son had turned evil.
"Christopher." Leo said in a freezing tones that made Chris's stomach clench.
"Look I tried telling you to vanquish him when he was at the manor before he became friends with Wyatt. I have knowledge that you don't because I'm from the future. My future knowledge involves a little episode where that baby will turn evil when he's 16. Wyatt was part of the reason he turned and I'd rather vanquish him here before Wyatt turns him and he becomes a threat to the future. But apparently Wyatt isn't going to let me!" Chris said. In an annoyed teenager tone.
"Okay and how the hell are we suppose to know that when you go to great lengths to make sure we don't know about the future?" Paige grouched at him.
"And what if there was a way to prevent it? Then you would have just killed a baby for no reason. Besides isn't that why your here? To save Wyatt. Well if you save Wyatt he won't be able to turn Danny evil. And therefor there's no real reason to vanquish him. He may be a threat in your time Chris. But here...He's an innocent. And if you vanquish him that's murder." Phoebe said trying to make him understand how this was wrong.
"He's a demon! Am I the only one who get's that?" Chris said rhetorically.
"Maybe your the only one who wants to see it. He has a good side too. And your not gonna vanquish for evil deeds he hasn't committed yet. Killing him wouldn't be wrong Chris. It would be evil." Piper said a little hurt by the fact that her son had used his powers on her to try and get his way.
Chris sighed in frustration. Maybe they were right. Maybe he just wanted to see the evil. But he was trying to protect his sister. Then again there was no one he knew with a stronger will then Prue Halliwell.
He looked at Derek and said "I'm sorry. I guess there right. All I can see when I look at him is all the bad things he'll do in the future. It's hard for me to see the good in him. Wyatt is good in this time too but when I look at him all I can do is see the evil he's done. It's hard for me to see anything else. Please forgive me. And mom. I'm so sorry I used my power on you. I didn't hurt you did I?" Chris asked and he was truly sorry.
"No. Chris I'm not hurt." Piper reassured him.
"No. But you could have been." Leo said as he aimed a freezing glare at his child.
Chris flinched from the look.
"I said I was sorry." Chris grumbled at the floor.
"Not as sorry as your gonna be." Leo promised in the same chilling tone.
Piper looked over at Leo then at Derek.
"Hey Derek if you don't mind me and Wyatt can stay and visit for a while. Phoebe has a date and Paige has an errand to run." Piper suggested wanting to give Leo and Chris privacy at the manor.
"Sure. Your welcome here anytime Piper." Derek said.
Leo went to Chris grabbed his arm and orbed him to the attic.
He let Chris go and immediately began to lecture him.
"I better not ever see you use your powers on your mother again! You could have hurt her! You could have hurt yourself too! You Manipulated Paige and tricked Wyatt into orbing you over to Derek's house so that you could vanquish a baby who had done nothing wrong except to be born half demon. And you can't really vanquish him for that!" Leo's raised his voice at his son.
"I explained my reasons and I said I was sorry." Chris said.
"Sorry isn't good enough this time. You should be able to accept the fact that this is a different time and that you can't hurt people for things they haven't done yet!" Leo lectured.
Paige Phoebe and Piper orbed into the attic.
"Sorry don't mind us were just looking up something." Piper said and then they stopped in their tracks and stared.
Leo and Chris both turned as they too saw the wall glow blue and then a girl stepped through the portal.
Chris couldn't help himself "Fuck!" he cursed as he saw his sister.
"Well hello to you too Chris." Prue said with a smirk.
"Chris who is this? Is this another one like Bianca?" Phoebe asked wondering if another girl was being sent back in time to fetch Chris.
"Where is Bianca anyway?" Prue directed the question to her brother.
"She's dead. Wyatt was going to kill me but she helped me long enough to get herself killed by Wyatt." Chris informed his sister.
"Wyatt killed Bianca?" Leo asked feeling sorry for his son now that he knew his sons love was killed by his other son.
"Who are you?" Paige asked.
"Me? I'm Prue." Prue said as if Paige was stupid for not knowing that.
"Prue! Gees don't you know that if your parents get wind of the fact that their your parents before they become your parents then it may not happen and you might cease to exist." Chris said annoyed.
Prue looked at Pipers stomach "Seems like your right on time." she said of Piper being pregnant.
"Yeah well my conception date was coming up. Yours won't be here til several years down the road." Chris informed her.
"So she's a Halliwell? Named after your...I mean our sister Prue." Paige said
"I like my name." Prue said.
"Well the name is a dead give away." Phoebe said.
"What are you doing here Prue I told you to stay hidden." Chris demanded.
"I had to come. I had a vision. Two in fact. One right after the other." Prue said.
"You get visions?" Phoebe asked. Prue nodded.
"Well I hope whatever you saw is worth risking your life to come here and tell me. By the way you might want to close that." Chris said of the portal behind her.
She turned and closed it and then turned back to them.
"It was well worth the risk to save my brother." Prue said.
Chris perked up at that "You mean you know how to save Wyatt?" Chris asked.
"Yes. But I did not come to save Wyatt. Wyatt is not the one that was murdered in my vision." Prue said.
"Okay. Who did you come to save? Who's gonna be murdered?" Chris asked.
"You brother. I came to save you." Prue informed.
Chris starred for a moment. "Wait you saw me die?" Chris asked.
"After I saw the one who is the reason Wyatt is evil...I saw him then kill you. Then I saw our father kill him to avenge your death." Prue said revealing that she was Chris's sister and also Piper and Leo's daughter. Along with the added knowledge that she saw Chris get killed and that she knew who was going to turn Wyatt.
"Tell us everything." Leo demanded.

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